Determianation of chemical composition, gas production and in vitro fermentation parameters of tomato pulp and pistachio hull treated by Pleurotus sajor cajo

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MS.c graduated, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, department of animal science, faculty of agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, department of plant protection, faculty of agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, department of animal science, faculty of agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.


This study was carried out to assess the nutritional value of tomato pulp (TP) and pistachio hull (PH) treated by pleurotus sajor cajo fungi. The treatments for TP were control (not incubated), positive control (incubated without inoculation), treated with mycelium and treated with spawn, and for PH were control (not incubated), positive control (incubated without inoculation) and treated with spawn. Twenty five grams per each two above-mentioned samples and three replicates of each treatments were poured into the glass flask and after sterilizing were kept inside an incubator at 25 °C for three weeks. Data were analyzed based on a completely randomized design. Dry matter, ash and crude protein concentrations from TP were 95.27, 2.40 and 12.81 percent and from PH were 94.63, 9.33 and 7.81 percent, respectively. Processing with fungi led to increase these components in both of two samples (P<0.05). Phenolic compounds of PH decreased due to treatment with fungi (P<0.05). In TP treated, comparing to control, gas production after 24 hours incubation, apparent in vitro dry matter digestibility and true in vitro organic matter digestibility reduced (P<0.05). Wheras, no changes were observed in PH, due to processing. In TP treated with spawn, compared with control group, the potential of gas production decreased (P<0.05). Overally, the results of this study showed that the nutritional value of tomato pulp and pistachio hull were not increased desirably by pleurotus sajor cajo treatment.
This study was carried out to assess the nutritional value of tomato pulp (TP) and pistachio hull (PH) treated by pleurotussajorcajo fungi. The treatments for TP were control (not incubated), positive control (incubated without inoculation), treated with mycelium and treated with spawn, and for PH were control (not incubated), positive control (incubated without inoculation) and treated with spawn. Twenty five grams per each two above-mentioned samples and three replicates of each treatments were poured into the glass flask and after sterilizing were kept inside an incubator at 25 °C for three weeks. Data were analyzed based on a completely randomized design. Dry matter, ash and crude protein concentrations from TP were 95.27, 2.40 and 12.81 percent and from PH were 94.63, 9.33 and 7.81 percent, respectively. Processing with fungi led to increase these components in both of two samples (P<0.05). Phenolic compounds of PH decreased due to treatment with fungi (P<0.05). In TP treated, comparing to control, gas production after 24 hours incubation, apparent in vitro dry matter digestibility and true in vitro organic matter digestibility reduced (P<0.05). Wheras, no changes were observed in PH, due to processing. In TP treated with spawn, compared with control group, the potential of gas production decreased (P<0.05). Overally, the results of this study showed that the nutritional value of tomato pulp and pistachio hull were not increased desirably by pleurotussajorcajo treatment.


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