Effect of replacing alfalfa with subabul (Leucaena leucocephala) pod on digestibility, in vitro fermentation and in situ degradability in cow and buffalo

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MS.c Graduated student, College of Animal Science and Food Technology, Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, College of Animal Science and Food Technology, Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Iran


This experiment was conducted to investigate effect of replacing alfalfa with subabul pod (0, 9 and 18 % of DM) on digestibility, in vitro fermentation and ruminal degradability in fistulated cow and buffalo. Fermentation of experimental diets was determined by gas production, digestibility by tilly and terry and degradability by in situ (4 replicates per diet) and the data were analyzed by split plot design. Digestibility of dry mater, NDF and ADF of diets containing different levels of subabul pod were not different in cow and buffalo (P>0.05). But potential of gas production in diets containing subabul pod was lower than control diet (P<0.05). However, replacing alfalfa with subabul pod didn’t affect gas production rate, microbial biomass and other fermentative parameters in cow and buffalo (P>0.05). Cell wall degradability was greatest for control treatment (in buffalo 23.9 % and cow 35.9 %, respectively) and the lowest value was for diet containing 18 % subabul pod (in buffalo 64.1% and cow 64.3%, respectively) (P<0.05). Replacement of alfalfa with subabul pod did not influence degradability parameters in cow and buffalo (P>0.05). According the result, replacement of alfalfa hay with subabul pod in cow and buffalo diet, didn’t affect in vitro digestibility and gas production parameters, but improved in situ ruminal degradability. Therefore, it seems 50 % subabul pod can be used instead of alfalfa in cow and buffalo nutrition.


Main Subjects

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