Effect of aerobic exposure to forage before ensiling on the chemical composition, aerobic stability, and microbial population of corn silage before and after silage opening

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Former MSc Student of Animal Nutrition, Animal Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture Science and Natural Resources, Ganbad Kavous University, Gonbad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Animal Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture Science and Natural Resources, Ganbad Kavous University, Gonbad, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran


This study aimed to determine how delayed silo sealing at filling affects the chemical composition, fungal population, and dry matter recovery of maize silage. Whole crop maize silage was harvested and then ensiled using laboratory silos (n= 4) as 1) Control, ensiled immediately, 2) 24 hours later, and 3) 64 hours later. A 24 h aerobic exposure in fresh forage caused an increase (P<0.05) in NDF content, but 72 h aerobic exposure caused an increase (P<0.05) in dry matter and NDF content and a decrease (P<0.05) in CP content. A 72 h delay in sealing resulted in the lowest CP and the highest pH, yeast, and N-NH3 in silage. A delay in sealing caused an increase in yeast counts in silage (72 h; 3.90 vs. control; 3.05 CFU), and 72 h delayed sealing also resulted in lower (P<0.05) dry matter recovery rather than control silage (89.4% vs. 93.1% DM). Aerobic stability was adversely affected by 72 h delayed silo sealing (75.25 vs. 53.5 h). This study indicated that maize silage quality is affected by three days of delayed sealing and the fungal population and aerobic stability are affected particularly from aerobic exposure. This study indicated that maize silage quality is adversely affected by delayed sealing and aerobic exposure.


Main Subjects

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